EU • Competition
EU/COMP includes advising clients in German and European competition law as well as EU law-affected industries:
- In antitrust/competition law (merger control, cartel and abuse of dominance) and State aid law (regarding the granting, by State or State-owned entities, of any legal or factual beneficial treatment to companies and industries), including the representation of clients before the EU Commission, the German Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt) as well as the Court of Justice of the EU and German courts (also in private enforcement).
- In trade law, we advise clients on issues of customs, export control, anti-dumping/anti-subsidy- as well as WTO law and represent them in proceedings before the EU Commission, the German export control authority (BAFA), customs agencies, the Court of Justice of the EU and German finance courts. We also advise clients on approval requirements, and represent them before the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, regarding investments, by non-EU acquirers, in German as well as other EU companies.
- In public procurement/government contracts law, we advise public contracting authorities, sector contracting entities, concession grantors, candidates and tenderers on tenderings, candidatures, tenders, objections, review procedures et al. and represent them before the public procurement tribunals, the German Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway) as well as the Court of Justice of the EU and German courts.
- In German and EU data protection and IT law, we advise our clients on legal compliance in the structuring of internal company processes and contracts and represent them in proceedings before the supervisory authorities and courts.
- EU Regulatory includes legal advice on EU law requirements for relevant sectors of the economy. The sectoral focus is on infrastructure (airports, ports, toll roads, sport and entertainment arenas, etc.), real estate (housing companies, holiday resort operators, investors, municipal entities, etc.), energy (wind, gas, hydrogen, oil, etc. in exploration, production and trading), transport (shipping companies, airlines, bus and railway operators, etc.), IT (manufacturers/traders of data storage devices), food (production, trade), and many more.
Please do not hesitate to ask for our references in the sector of EU / Competition.