Pro bono cooperation between Chatham and Refugee Law Clinic Hamburg
For the second time this year, Chatham has organised a workshop webinar for a Refugee Law Clinic – this time for the student counsellors of the Refugee Law Clinic Hamburg (RLC HH). On the programme: the important soft skills "Written (official) communication" and "Negotiation skills and strategies". In addition to discussing case constellations from our and the RLC HH's counselling practice, the students were also able to test their negotiation skills in a role play. This time, Michael Schäfer, Celia Renz, Philipp Reinecke and Vincent Nossek from the Chatham team took part.
The RLC HH is a student-initiated project at the Faculty of Law at the University of Hamburg, in which students offer free counselling for refugees. Every year, 20 students start their training; the next RLC education cycle is currently in pending.
We are happy that we were able to support the great work of the RLC HH with the webinar and hope for a soon – non-virtual – continuation of the cooperation.
Our thanks also go to Josefina Remus and Phil Wensing for their help in preparing and running the workshop.